Friday, October 22, 2010

Welcome to my blog

Good Morning

I will be traveling to Japan tomorrow to learn about their education system and visit some of their beautiful sites.  Please follow me on my journey.  Thanks  Dr. Sturke


  1. Have a great time Bev! Do me one favor----please eat a "melon pan" (melon bread). Stop and get one fresh at a bakery (not one in a package) or ask The Japan Forum people to help you get one. They are the best!

  2. Good evening
    It is 9:50 pm on Monday. We are having a good time. Seeing a quite a few sites of Tokyo. We went to Osaki HS this afternoon and had a nice welcoming assembly by the Admin, staff and students. Toured the school. Interesting structure -- it was built to withstand earthquakes. Wow... Had a very nice authentic Japanese lunch and dinner today. Tomorrow I am off to a junior high with my translator. Take care, I hope all of the eighth graders are giving their best on the WKCE. Remember make us proud of you and your reputation.

  3. Qautin would like to know if you see other races in the classrooms?
    Cali would like to know what was the traditional food you ate?

  4. Mrs. Paine's 5th hour would like to know do they study english and do they Macdonalds,what food is traditional for lunch and dinner.

  5. こんにしは its Chad Korth, an eighth grade japanese student at your school, I was just wondering if you have met any students named Satoshi,Kakashi,Kei,or Shuhei. They were my exchange students from earlier

  6. I have not seen other races at the two schools I have visited.
    I ate raw fish, rice, ram on, tempura, seaweed, and other items that I didn't recognize. :-)
    Yes they do have Mcdonalds but they offer Japanese as well as American foods. I guess my hotel is by the Japan Disneyland. Cool huh?

    I have not formally met these students. Maybe they are from Maebashi which is the next school we will be visiting.

    Have fun and keep asking questions.
